The Next Fix – PRE-ORDER!

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Only one drug can bring the visceral and the sublime together in a single trip, where the best and the worst of human drives boil down into a tech-noir concoction that’s part street-level heaven and part the fiery beauty of hell. Consider these pages a controlled substance.

Kick back to the strains of Earth’s last Top 40 as the final human DJ sends a shout out over “The Last Frequency.” Step into the hard-boiled beauty of “The Losting Corridor,” where that which once escaped a man is met again. Sink into the visceral embrace of fear when a claustrophobic metal shop teacher finds himself trapped in an MRI machine surrounded by ancient evil in “Killing Jars,” or take your ancient evil with a comedic chaser as a hitwoman is hired to rid her old Catholic high school of a janitor who is up to some “Old Tricks.”

Take a hit off twelve short stories and one novella from two-time Parsec Award-winning author Matt Wallace. Get ready for The Next Fix.
Apex Book Company
(for pre-orders. It will be on Amazon once it’s out)

The Next Fix
Copyright 2008 Matt Wallace

Variant Frequencies
Copyright 2008 Rick Stringer and Matt Wallace